Tuesday, September 18, 2007

tanggapan suami

happy anniversary juga, babe.

berasa lama apa sebentar 7 tahun ? kalau aku terasa sebentar. kayaknya masih baru aja naik mercedez dan jadi tiba tiba jadi gembel.. he he he.. ( kisah ini pasti nanti minta di ceritain terus sama si gizelle), .. eh, sekarang udah di singapore yang ternyata udah 2 tahun. kirain bakal jadi gembel di sini, eh gak tuh.. biar hidup pas pas-an ya lebih lebih dikit juga ada. gak kepikiran kan bisa jadi expat di negeri orang, hebat juga tuh kamu.

hidup ini memang asik, kalo di bikin asik. so far, hidup sama kamu asik deh. walau kadang kalau berdua sama sama risk-taker, ngeri-ngeri sedap juga sih. sekarang, punya rencana buat hidup (sementara) dengan serius di negeri singa.. ya selama kita berdua menikmatinya, mari dinikmati bersama saja.

tentang IVF, buat ku adalah sebuah pengalaman besar yang harus dinikmati ( di-enjoy-kan).. mari dinikmati seru seru sedap memikirkan duit ribuan dollar buat biayanya, sementara duit di DBS masih cuman 100 dollar ( hahahaha.. ), mari menikmati bagaimana acara suntik2 setiap hari bagi kamu yang begitu ketakutan melihat jarum suntik, sekarang nih; mari menikmati detik detik apakah kamu ternyata hamil atau masih belum..., tambahan buatku; menikmati kamu yang tiba2 moody dan sensitif banget.. ( he he he.. ini gak keterusan kan ? )

oke lah. hidup masih panjang ( tapi juga pendek ), aku mengajak kamu untuk menikmati kehidupan yang sudah diberikan. menambah dosis kegembiraan dan rasa syukur didalam rumah yang kita nikmati.


Monday, September 17, 2007


-is there anything too difficult for the Lord?-

Thursday 060907, two embrios were put in my tummy. They were our 7th anniversary gift ..thank YOU soooo much.

yes, it has been an amazing 7th year.. looking back, tema tahun ke 7 ini adalah:
Genesis 18:14.

After all the ups and downs in our journey of ‘baby making’, finally we did one journey, IVF journey which is so not us. First, it is not cheap. But says the Lord: I am the God who provides and He is always on time. One down. Second, not sure about my work and everything. I don’t think my boss will let me take 3 weeks off in one shot. Guess what? No questions asked. Go ahead, take the time off that you needed.
But God, I am so scared of injections…the process requires daily jabs, it will be very painful. But He says: I will give you strength. So who am I to doubt that? Indeed, I did my own injections.. all of them. Can you imagine, me giving myself injections..?

There are so many what ifs in my heart and now here we are, taking this journey with HIM, waiting for yet another miracle. God maybe slow, but He is never late!

Happy anniversary, dear...

Sept 080907


Tuesday, September 04, 2007


After 3 weeks Lucrin and Puragon Pen Injection, the nurse found 4 good eggs on a mommy tummy. 4 good eggs! Wow, its great right ? Then on another day mommy, those eggs have taken out. Mommy have to rest in a hospital for 3 hours, and take leave for 3 weeks. Daddy's job is to produce sperm an put in a small bottle. Based on last test, it contains 22 millions sperm inside one spoon.

After the doctor try to integrate eggs and sperm, 2 days later will put inside those embryo to mommy tummy.

So what happen next ? We never know, only God knows. For us, it is the best human knowledge that we can done.